Seeking a Club Coach CanSkate In-Training status or higher (Canskate/StarSkate)
Skate Canada Pickering Skating Club is seeking an enthusiastic and motivated professional coach who is certified by Skate Canada through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
Pickering Skating Club is a nationally certified learn to skate program for all skating sports. Founded in 1972, Pickering Skating Club is offering complete instructional skating program from learn to skate to competitive programs and skills development training for all skating sports.
The successful candidate will devote time and personal attention to his/her duties, promote the interest of the Club and develop its skating programs. The Coach will provide a safe, encouraging and positive training environment for all skaters, parents, coaches, officials, and volunteers.
The Applicant must be:
· Club Coach CanSkate In-Training status or higher (CanSkate/StarSkate)
· Have a current first aid and police record check.
· Must be in good standing with Skate Canada.
· Interested in continuing education in coaching.
· an excellent communicator with good people skills.
How to Apply
Please forward your resume, a copy of your coach dashboard, and references in complete confidence to Ivee Medrano at [email protected]
Ivee Medrano
SCPSC President – 4164510842